Drug Screening
Choose from over 9000 collection sites at the click of a button.
CompuFACT Makes Drug Screening Easy!
Now you have two choices for your drug screen management process. Choose between either the traditional paper chain or a more streamlined, e-Chain format. Either way, you enjoy CompuFACT’s helpful support to assist you with locating collection sites, monitoring the process, and keep you apprised of the progress. Your drug screens are streamlined together with our background check software to provide you with access to all your applicant’s records at the click of a mouse.
Order Donor Pass
Applicant Performs Drug Test
Results Viewed Online
e-Chain Drug Screen
The more modern, e-Chain drug screen means that at a simple click of a button, you can choose from our more than 9,000 collection sites nationwide. Drug screens are electronically monitored with updates generated every step of the way to inform you of when
MRO Certified
Select collection sites online
4 thru 12
Results viewable online
9,000 collection sites
Add your favorite clinic to our list
Traditional Drug Screen
Our Traditional drug screen
* MRO certified
* DOT &
* Results viewable online
* 4 thru 12
* Select collection sites online
* Over 20,000 collection sites
* Urine, saliva, hair, and instant screens
* Physicals, Vaccines, and other tests