Obtaining motor vehicle reports can be essential for employment screening, especially if your company provides company vehicles to employees, or requires them to drive as a part of their work duties. There are a few different ways to obtain motor vehicle reports in the state of Missouri, and this article will outline them, as well as give pros and cons for each one. If you would like to learn more information on when/why you should run a driving record on an employee, click here

1. Obtaining Directly from MO DMV (Slow Method)
Obtaining directly from the DMV is possible for an employer to do, though it is not the preferred method. That is because it requires you to fill out a form, which you then fax/mail in. Your results will typically come to you within a few weeks or even months.
The pro to doing it this way however is that typically it saves you a couple of dollars per report, but as we found, most employers don’t do it this way because the turnaround time for the report is quite bad.
2. Obtaining Instantly (Recommended Method)
The more common and most preferred method of obtaining a motor vehicle report in Missouri, as well as most states is through a 3rd party source that is connected directly into the DoT database. The typical process for this is to order it online, and then have the result return to you instantly. Though this method typically costs a little extra, for employers, it is the most common method for obtaining driving records so that way they can hire quickly.
In conclusion, we find that the best way to obtain a driving record for an indivudal wanting to run a motor vehicle report on him/herself is directly through the DoT, though for an employer wanting to get driving records for employees, it is best to use a 3rd party like CompuFACT
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